Thursday, October 25, 2012

Every Life is a Pile of Good Things

It's funny how certain events that occur in a single moment can change the direction of our entire lives. Decisions that seem harmless at that point in time drastically change our future in the blink of an eye, & although some decisions can lead to a lifetime of pain & regret, some choices can prove to be the best you will ever make. Ivy was one of those events that ultimately will lead to happiness. She may have been the result of irresponsible decisions, but in the end she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's brought light into my life where I thought there would only ever be darkness. She helped me to see my potential, & helped me to realize who in my life was harming me, & who was helping me to succeed. She helped me to become a better person, & I haven't even seen her sweet little face yet! I owe her so much, because she changed my life for the better.

I may have suffered a lot of heartbreak, & I may still yet suffer... but that doesn't erase the good that she's done. That doesn't cancel out the good that has yet to come, & it certainly doesn't make my decision to keep her stupid or irresponsible. I chose to keep my child so that she could not only have a chance at life, but so that I could as well. I needed somebody to come along that would motivate me to work hard & make the necessary sacrifices that would eventually result in my happiness... & now I have somebody else's happiness to fight for: Ivy Rose. My sweet, innocent daughter. My guardian angel. She came to me when I needed somebody not only to love me, but to love in return. It may not have been in the way I had hoped for, but it was in the way that I needed. I needed somebody worthy to give my life to, & here she is. I may have lost my best friend, & many other friends along the way... I may have lost my family for a while... but she brought us together again, & maybe one day her Father will realize what he's missing & fight for her the way I have all this time.

Maybe she'll be the one who can help Shaun be a better person, the way she helped me. Maybe he just isn't ready yet... but I hope that day comes, because I want her to grow up knowing that she's his world as well as mine. That may never be the case... but at least she'll know that I've fought for her, & will continue to fight until the day I die. My Ivy Rose is worth it to me.

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