Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm Not Single. I'm INDEPENDENT.

It's been easier to think these past few days now that I have some realistic goals set for myself, I have a game plan in motion & I have a fantastic support system for both Ivy & I. Yeah, I still want to break down sometimes & it's taking all my energy to keep it together for my baby girl... but I'm getting through each day calm & collected, which is more than I can say for some people. I've been the girl that breaks down every time she see's his picture or hears their song or gets a text from him, but I'm not that girl anymore. Hell, I'm not a girl - I'm a woman. I'm a strong, fiery, independent woman that has her priorities straight. THAT is what is going to help me succeed.

Ivy Rose is my world, & I will do whatever it takes to make sure she's safe, happy, & loved. I'm doing everything I can to build a better life for her, & even though I'm still struggling, I'll be in a much better position to take care of her once my passport comes through & that is encouraging if nothing else. She has a family that loves her & will give everything to help me build a better life for the two of us & I am so so grateful for that. I'm not a single Mum, I'm an independent Mother. I'm not single, because I'm not interested in being. I'm simply putting my daughter first, & as far as I'm concerned Men aren't even allowed in the picture.

I don't need a Man to be happy, & Ivy doesn't need a million men posing as her Father. Regardless of the life he's living, her Father is still her Father & she is still his baby girl. I just hope she means enough to him to stop this lie he's been living & put her first. She deserves at least that.... but even without him in the picture, I know I can succeed & I know I can raise our sweet little princess the way he would have wanted in the first place. As long as she's happy, that's all that matters to me.

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