Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Wouldn't

I have so many good memories attached to the UTA Trax. Not many are related to my previous relationships, but the ones that are all involve the same person. I dated several guys since I started hanging out at Sandy Civic last year, but none of them really left an impression... none except Shaun. While the other guys I had dated pursued me, I saw him & in that moment I knew I'd never want to be with anybody else again. I knew I had to talk to him, & talking led to a whirlwind relationship that I never before would have dreamed of having. As a result of my bumming a cigarette off of him at Fashion Place Trax station, I have a beautiful baby girl on the way. My entire life changed because I had the confidence to approach him, & if I could take it back - I wouldn't. Ivy is forever going to represent that one simple moment can change your life in ways that you'd never expect, but will always cherish.

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