Monday, October 22, 2012

When Boredom Hits

Arghhh! Boredom & hunger have finally hit me full force! As far as I know... there's nothing on tv (although I haven't checked yet), & I've scoured the fridge, freezer, & pantry looking for something that looks somewhat edible, but unfortunately I only found Texas toast. At this point, I would kill for a Doctor Who marathon & Chinese food. Either that or a big fat juicy steak. Mmmmm... steak. Where's Peggy when I need her? I'd die a happy Momma if I had Peggy here cooking me good ol' German food. Just my luck that the roommates are asleep & I'm up passing the time by blogging about useless nonsense & attempting to make Texas toast.

I wish I had friends that lived a little closer... or a car with a full tank of gas. I'm going completely stir crazy sitting around here packing all damn day. I just want to get the moving process over with. I'm tired of moving around from place to place constantly. I just want ONE home. Somewhere I don't have to worry about moving from for a while. Is that too much to ask?

Maybe things will change. Maybe I'll actually have a more permanent home for Ivy & I without worrying about rent or deadlines or obnoxious roommates. Somewhere that Ivy will feel safe & at home. One can only hope I guess.

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