Wednesday, October 10, 2012

You Lied? Your Loss

Obviously, some people don't understand what they have until they've let it slip between their fingers & out of their lives entirely. It might have been one Hell of a fall, & it might feel like I'm still falling once in a while... I'm prepared for that. The fact is, I've found something to hold on to. I have my baby girl. Our sweet little Ivy Rose. Well, she was something we shared & by law & by blood will always share... but there are certain sacrifices that we must make in order to earn the right to being recognized as a parent. A piece of paper doesn't determine whether or not we are the best thing for our child, & as far as I'm concerned, every action that has been taken in the past few weeks has been for your own selfish gain rather than the well being of your daughter. OUR daughter.

Everything you have done for her... for our family... you wiped away & replaced with whatever it is you think you are doing right now, which in all reality is bringing about the destruction of our family, our relationship, & your rights as a father. Doesn't that make you sick? Or do you even recognize what it is you're doing? Do you regret it, or do you only regret getting caught? Because everything you said to me that night & everything you lied to me about completely destroyed my faith in you, as a father and a partner, & sadly, even as a friend. I CANNOT allow that in my life, or our daughters. She deserves the consistency we were never shown growing up, & if you aren't willing to do what is necessary to provide that, then I will. Regardless of how much I have to give up. Regardless of how much it hurts me.

Either way, now I know what I have to do. I know what it will take for you to earn the right to be a part of my life again, even if only as a friend. It'll take even more than that to be what we were before... because that trust I had in you? The heart I so willingly gave to you? You crushed it & not only do I have to heal, but you have to provide me with more than just a reason to give it to you again. You have to prove to me that it'll be safe in your hands, & that you won't just take care of it, but you'll ensure that it never suffers that kind of pain again. THAT is something I'm not sure you would ever do, because from what you've shown me... you're a coward. You took the cowards way out, & you gave up on us & our daughter when things got hard. I can't take the risk of letting my guard down for somebody who will only run & leave my heart defenseless when they see any sign of disaster.

You have a lot of reflecting to do... & a lot of rebuilding. Not just for me or our daughter, but for you. YOU need to be who I know you're capable of being. You've been trying to run away from yourself for so long that you only ended up running back into the you that you tried so hard to leave behind. Let him go, & be the man I know you are. You're a good man... don't let your actions take that away from you. If you can do that then maybe, just maybe you'll be happy again. Really, honestly truly happy...

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