Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Spread a Little Love

Last night I found my newest & what will soon become my greatest obsession. A Beautiful Mess - http://www.abeautifulmess.com/ is quite literally the blog that I have been looking for all these years. I wish I had discovered it sooner, because it has already inspired me to completely re design my own blog, get an inspiration notebook going, & get started on some new outfit ideas & self portraits! This blog has literally motivated me & taught me so much already - I'm having difficulty keeping up with myself! My mind is running at 100 mph & my body's only just made it out of bed, & it's noon!

Here are a few recipes that caught my eye while I was browsing last night that I am dying to try this season! I will link everything back to A Beautiful Mess, just so you can make the recipes yourself & check out what exactly has caught my eye this week :)

Candy Apples

Peanut Butter & Honey Milkshakes
Corn on the Cob 3 Ways


 Unfortunately, blogger has been having some issues with the sizing process whenever I try to upload more than two photos so I can't post a picture of the corn on the cob, but you can check out the link above & see it for yourself on A Beautiful Mess! I can assure you, it looks devine! I really hope to try out these recipes soon, & hopefully come up with some of my own to share with you!

Seriously, this blog has EVERYTHING that I wanted for my own blog. Crafts, fashion, food, home decor, AND photography. It's the ultimate blog for all things sweet & feminine & I am in LOVE with all the style tips, the DIY decor, & the quirky writers behind it all. I just can't get enough!

Thanks to my new obsession, I am all revved up & ready to make something of Sweet Little Tragedy this year. My goal is to at least triple the views by it's first anniversary in February & aquire at least 1000 followers. Think I can do it? Well, I can use all the encouragement I can get! So please make the effort to share the link to Sweet Little Tragedy with your friends or family, post it on facebook or twitter, & help me spread a little of what I love throughout your life!

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