Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Poem for Ivy rose

I can't believe how much faith I had in somebody who was so undeserving of it. Love really is blind, but when the realization hits that not only did they never really love you from the beginning, but that there's somebody else out there so much more deserving of your love... it really opens your eyes to a confidence & sense of self worth that you never would have even believed you had inside you before you heart was broken.

My sweet sweet baby Ivy Rose
I can't wait to see your face
You'll never know how hard it is
To just sit around and wait

You'll never know how much you're worth
Or how hard I'll fight to show you
You'll never know how scared I was
That I may never get to know you

You'll never know what I would do
Or how far I would go
You'll never know what it would take
To make sure you never know

I promise that I'll give my all
And fight hard every day
Ivy Rose, I'm not going anywhere
Just for you, I chose to stay

I can honestly say, my love for my baby girl opened my eyes to all the bullshit that her Father dragged me into & all the lies I tried so hard to overlook. Now that I have my family again & I have his family supporting me, I'm stronger than ever before. I'm moving on with my life, & I'm saying goodbye to the misery & the disappointment that has been consuming me for the past year. I'm done wasting my time with somebody who obviously was never worth it. I will give him this though... he gave me the most beautiful, incredible gift that anybody could have ever given me. She may have been created out of drunken stupidity & teenage hormones, but we created her together nonetheless & because of that one night I have a piece of happiness that will last a lifetime. My baby girl made all the pain worth it, & she always will.

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