Monday, October 1, 2012

Craft Me Up Scotty

Yes, I'm aware that was probably the cheesiest title I could come up with, but what the Hell. I'm on one Hell of a craft kick. All I want to do is make things! Me, Shaun & our roommates were walking around Walmart last night & I just got lost in the craft & fabric aisles. I kept getting these visions of things I could make & crochet & paint... & the sad part is, I think this is my way of nesting? I mean, I know most pregnant women go through their little nesting phase when they're preparing themselves mentally & emotionally for their baby's arrival - but all I want to do is make things for mine!

Maybe that's silly, but I keep looking at DIY crafts on tumblr & weheartit & the craving just gets more & more intense. It's a thirst that will not be quenched until I've had my fill of yarn & fabric & wood & buttons & beads... I just want to play with it all & see what comes of it! I want to paint wooden letters spelling out Ivy's name & frame them. I want to decorate her God ugly lamp that we were given & make it pretty & unique. I want to make her little hats & legwarmers... I just want to make things dammit! It's consuming my every thought.

It's strange... because I've never wanted to do anything this badly before. It's probably because I'm getting so annoyingly restless being at home 24/7 while our roommates are working & Shaun is out looking for work. All there is to do is clean & organize & well... clean. It's driving me insane! I'm so unhappy being cooped up here. It's so cramped, it's impossible to get any privacy & keeping our bedroom clean? Well that might be a possiblity if our room wasn't part storage room, part walkway for our obnoxious roommate. If you could even call her that. She's never here long enough to say she actually lives here. She might as well live in a storage unit.

Either way, I'll be so grateful once we move into the house in American Fork. I might not be a fan of the area, but living in a bigger home with more privacy & LOTS more space will be SO nice. Nacho & Chantell even offered us the master bedroom since we'll have Ivy & need the privacy of our own bathroom. We might be across the hall from the anti Christ, but at least we'll have our own bedroom with a door & a lock. That'd be SUCH a blessing! Hell, maybe once we have our own space I can finally start nesting the proper way... making our space ours rather than another stop on the couch hoppers highway. Only a few months, & we'll be HOME.

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