Monday, October 1, 2012

Fighting the Urge

I'm doing it again... I'm fighting with myself over whether I should dye my hair to a more natural color or if I should go extreme & dye it bright blue & black. I have to admit, I want to try looking as natural as possible. I just wish I didn't feel so damn insecure! I don't really feel confident in my own skin I guess. That's really sad to say... but I feel more like myself when my hair & makeup are covering the real me up. I hate it! I just want to feel attractive. NATURALLY attractive.

So here I am... debating over whether I should go golden blonde or black & blue. What do you think? I need to learn to accept myself for who I really am on the outside as well as the inside, but I'm so torn between what makes me feel good temporarily & what will make me feel good in the long run. It sounds like I've already made up my mind... but I really haven't. I don't know what I want. I want to look like a Mum, but not like a frumpy Mum. I still want to look like ME. Why is this so difficult?! Please give me your input, because I can't decide.

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