Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Something Out of Nothing

I can honestly say, I am REALLY excited for Helen's photo shoots this week. Usually I don't book two shoots in a row with the same individual, but I'm determined to take my photography to a new level entirely. I want to be noticed, & I want my work to be admired. I want people to want me to photograph them. Is that so wrong? Photography is something I enjoy, & I'm determined to make something of it. Helen's shoot could either bring me more business, or bring me down. It just depends on how creative I can be & how much effort I put into it.

I also want to put a lot more effort into making my blog enjoyable for viewers. I don't want to bore everyone to death but it'd be nice to get a few followers & some extra views every now & then :) is that selfish? I just want to share what I love with the world & hope to God that they love it too. I know it's hard to get yourself out there, but I want to be recognized for doing something interesting with my life. I'm tired of hiding in the shadows. It's time to show people what I can do!

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