Friday, September 28, 2012

In the Wise Words of Eeyore...

Lately I've realized how little I invest my time in showing my grattitude to those who have helped me & continue to help me throughout my pregnancy, & I'm not going to lie - I feel pretty guilty. SO many people have donated things for Ivy, Kim has brought me treats just to cheer me up & works around the clock to make sure we have the things we need for our daughter, Nicole took me out for coffee & spoiled me more than she needed to, our roommates put a roof over our head & put up with my bitching sessions about Amber, Shaun's Mum & Grandma listened to me bawl my eyes out every day while Shaun was gone & treat me like I'm part of the family, & Shaun continues to put up with my sporadic emotions, my obnoxious temper, & works every day to try to provide for me & our little princess. There are so many people supporting me, & I need to do more to show my grattitude.

I want to invest in some thank you cards, or even make my own when I have the supplies... I just want to do SOMETHING. Even if it's doing the dishes when it isn't my turn, or doing an unexpected favor. It'd just be nice to put something good out there in exchange for the good I've recieved. I'm a firm believer in Karma, & you get what you give. If that means I become the most generous person in the world, so be it. I just want to know that I'm giving my all to the people that have done the same for me. Especially the people that continue to do so, & I don't even have to ask!

 I'm so so blessed to have such an incredible support system. Especially with Ivy so close to arriving! She's going to grow up with some pretty amazing people watching out for her, & I'm SO grateful for that. She's one lucky girl... her Father & I love her with all of our hearts, her Godparents are there for her in a heartbeat, & her family would sacrifice everything to keep her safe & ensure her happiness. What more could I ask for? Knowing that my baby girl is well taken care of is more than I could have hoped for when I was living in a car, & now things are finally looking up - so it's time to put some good back out there!

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