Thursday, September 20, 2012

Vision Without Pain is a Hallucination

It's true that nothing worth having comes easy... I fought long & hard to make things work with Shaun. I waited for him, watched him struggle as he lost his son & his family, fought with him, pushed him over the edge, & in the end we made it through... stronger than ever. I'm not saying I didn't want to give up. Sometimes I still feel like giving up when we fight or when it feels like we're down on our luck, but then I remember how good it feels to work things out & to feel like all the hard times were worth it, & I fight until I've given everything I've got. Shaun's worth it to me to keep fighting. I could never let that all go to waste.

There are so many times I could have given up & taken the easier road, but then I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't be this strong, or this smart, or this happy with myself & my life. I'd be weak, & miserable, & I wouldn't have learned anything. How could I ever go back now after all I've been through? Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. That's probably the hardest lesson I ever had to learn, but definitely one of the most valuable. Because of that, I keep pushing. I keep fighting & I try my hardest never to let the pain affect my happiness. I just have to think of all the things that make me happy, & it makes it all so much easier.

For anyone who ever feels like giving up, or throwing their hands up in the air & just letting life have it's way with you: don't. Keep fighting, even if it hurts. Grit your teeth & push through the pain with every part of you until you can't fight anymore. Vision without pain is only a hallucination, & there is no gain without some pain. I know it isn't fair, but we can't expect to grow & become stronger without developing the right tools to get through our trials, & that means slipping up, making mistakes, trying over & over & eventually collapsing at the finish line. You might be bleeding & bruised, but you would have made it regardless, & THAT is much better than giving up before you made it anywhere to begin with.

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