Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Big Thank You

Today was overall, a pretty good day. I've been in some serious need of girl time for quite a while, & luckily my mentor from HOH was sweet enough to kidnap me this morning to give me just that. I think that always being around the same people has been getting to me & I just needed a little time away to relax & be myself. Not that I'm not myself at home, but I tend to focus so much on my surroundings that I become a wallflower & it does get to me after a while. Today I was gone just long enough to take a deep breath & take in a few of the things that I love so much so that when I got home, I could focus on getting things done without feeling so overwhelmed.

Even though waking up before eleven these days just about kills me, I managed to get myself out of bed in time & throw some foundation on in time to see Nicole pull up in her little Volkswagen. First stop was Target so that I could get some bra's (which I have been in desperate need of lately), & she ended up buying me a pair of REALLY comfy shoes & some maternity shirts as well! Afterwards we went over to Barnes & Noble for Starbucks, & she ended up buying me a new classic too! We had a nice chat over coffee, which was much needed... & then I got to come home with some new additions to my wardrobe & a book to dive into whenever things get stressful & I need to relax or get my mind off things.

I honestly am SO grateful for Nicole, & everything HOH has done & continues to do to help me. I don't know where I would be without them, but they have been one of the greatest support systems I have EVER had & Nicole & Kim have literally become the big sisters I always wanted growing up. They're just like one big family, but without all the judgement & disrespect that unfortunately comes along with blood relatives. They've been there for me in more ways than one, & I can't express enough how much they've improved my life, my attitude, & my respect towards others. They helped me to see that there really are good people in the world, & even though sometimes you'll find them in the most unexpected places, the trials we go through in order to find them are well worth it. Thank you Tonia, Kerri, Nicole & Kim - SO much! You have no idea how much you all mean to me!

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