Saturday, September 8, 2012

Falling Into Place

My little princess is definitely a Daddy's girl :) she's already got such a mischievious personality & she just LOVES to kick me at the worst possible moments. It's kinda cute, but when my face is constantly twisted in pain it does get a little old. Hopefully when we get our engagement's done she'll behave. At least long enough to get a few good shots!

I really can't wait to be a Mum though... I never thought that'd be something I'd want out of life. Things with Shaun were already so incredible wih Shaun, I didn't think anything could make our relationship more incredible. Then I found out about Ivy & everything just became so much more perfect. Everything just fell into place & now I don't ever want to imagine life without them.

December 15th! Less than three months away already... & I'm counting down the days :)

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