Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm REAL Bitch

For all of those who think you're better than me, think you're actions are justifiable, & think that you actually KNOW me... you're wrong. In every aspect of the word. You don't know anything about me. You know my fucking name, NOT my story. Not even close. So before you make any more judgements, & before you start talking shit behind my back, just remember that you will only be in the perfect position to kiss my ass.


I'm real. I'm honest about who I am, what I do, & who I do it with. You? I'd be amazed if you could admit to any of your minor faults, let alone actually be accountable for all of the mistakes you've made & continue to make. I've made mistakes, I've learned my lesson, & although I'm not perfect I am perfectly happy with who I am & the direction I'm headed. You may not understand some of my decisions, & you may not ever come to accept them, but I'm doing what I believe is right for me & my family & my future.

Yes, I might be bisexual. I'm no different than anyone else. I'm just more open to a different part of life than you are used to & that might be difficult for you to understand. That doesn't give you any reason to judge me. You can talk all you want but it will only ever show everyone else that you are LOW & INSECURE & MISERABLE. I'm REAL Bitch, & that fucking terrifies you.

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