Sunday, September 2, 2012

That WOW Factor

I desperately need some girl time. Not just girl time, but some pampering time. I've felt so down lately that I am definitely going to need a feminine pick me up soon. I don't care if it's getting my hair done, getting my nails done, or just getting dressed up & achknowledged. Being pregnant is really affecting my self esteem, & I need to take some action & do something to change that. PRONTO.

I think it's just been so long since I've been out on my own & felt appealing. I used to have guys staring at me because I was attractive to them. Now people stare because I have a huge baby belly sticking out & I look like a zombie because I haven't slept much in days... It's horribly depressing. Even the day I met Shaun, I was at trax alone & we were attractive to each other. I was slim, confident, & definitely NOT PREGNANT. I miss the thrill of people checking me out. Not that I really care about other men looking at me, but I want to at the very least feel like I'm still attractive to my man. I want him to look at me the same way he did the day we met. I know that's almost impossible but I just don't feel pretty anymore, let alone HOT.

Maybe it's time to just take some time for me. Just spend a day pampering myself, or getting pampered with my girls & then go out & enjoy being all done up. Take some photo's, go get coffee at that little bookstore in Salt Lake. Just do some of the things I enjoyed doing before I was prego with an eggo. Anything to boost my self esteem so I'm not so down on myself all the time. I want to be the girl that Shaun's proud to be with. The girl he can show off to his friends. I want to have that WOW factor again... it's something I haven't had in a long time, & I need to get it back.

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