Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Hair for a New Me

Earlier today my roommate went to see her parents out in Eagle Mountain, & when we were growing up I can honestly say I wasn't the best friend, or the best example... & I definitely was NOT her parents favorite. In fact, her Dad hated me with a burning passion & her Mum was just too damn sweet to admit she felt the same way. Anyway, when she was out visiting her family I guess her Mum told her that she really liked the person I've become. I can honestly say that I am SHOCKED. I'm one of those girls who everyone's parents seem to dislike, no matter what I do to try & make peace, so to hear that her Mum was impressed with me was a huge deal!

Despite how miserable I get at random, & how insecure I often feel, I actually do like who I am these days. I'm a lot stronger, a lot happier, & so much smarter than I was when I left home at sixteen. My style hasn't changed much, & many of my interests are the same, but I'm a completely different person than I was two years ago & I am proud of that. I've worked so hard to be a better person, & I guess that it shows! So I'm going to give myself a new look to go with the new me. I'm going to get myself some hair dye & get my bangs trimmed & start making more of an effort to look good.

The only question is; should I dye it red with white blonde highlights, or black with white?

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