Saturday, September 15, 2012

Love in the Leaves

It's nice to know that regardless of how many mistakes that I've made, & regardless of what I look like, that my best friend will always love me for me. Every little piece that makes me who I am is what he loves most about me. Nothing will EVER compare to that! We might fight, & we might go through a lot of bullshit, but in the end we always come out stronger because we fought through it together. Yes, I'm a stronger person because of Shaun, but I'm a lot stronger when I know that he's by my side, helping me get through it all. I'm never alone as long as I have him.

Things are rough right now... we're unemployed, struggling to pay rent, let alone meet our needs & prepare for Ivy's arrival... but we'll make it. We always do. We're fighters, & we've learned to fight for each other as well as our survival, which makes getting through this time in our lives SO much easier, simply because we have our best friend guiding us & supporting us through it all. No matter how difficult it gets, or how mad he makes me or how many times he makes me cry, I will always love him to the fullest, support him in his decisions, & help him find his way when he feels like he's lost himself. I know that he'll do the same in return.

I'm so lucky to be marrying my best friend, & I'm SO grateful that Ivy is going to have such an incredible Father. I know he'll take good care of us, & I know that things can only get better from here on. Especially because we have each other.

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