Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pan in Autumn

For those of you who don't know me very well or at all; I am a Peter Pan fanatic. I've been to the play in London God knows how many times, I've read the book until the pges started falling out, & I adore the Disney movie so much that I have it memorized. When my hair started growing in red again, a close friend of my parents even started calling me Peter Pan (which secretly, I didn't mind too much). I had some photo's done for a modeling session not last Autumn, but the one before & despite the dark eye makeup & the lip piercing, I still ended up looking a lot like Pan. Oh well I guess, considering I have based my style around his so much the past year that I can't help but look back & wish I still could fit into most of my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.
That's one thing to look forward to once I start to get my body back - being able to throw on my tights, shorts, & boots & parade around like a ridiculous, badly dressed teenager again. I might be a Mum, but that doesn't mean I have to dress like mine. Anyway, just thought I'd share my unintentional Peter Pan modeling shoot with you. Enjoy!

Boots: Kohls, Skinny Jeans: Vanity, Scarf: A Birthday Present from a Friend, Belt: Vanity, Shirt: My Younger Sister's, Sweater: Also My Sister's.

1 comment:

  1. I've got two books for you that you might have otherwise missed, Pan fanatic! They're both really great, for different reasons.

    The first one is a continuation of the original stories by Barrie, and they're actually based on his notes and ideas for more adventure! Done in his style, too. Click!

    The second is a grand 'What if?' tale that sails it all in a completely new direction but stays anchored in Barrie's themes, essence and mythology. Click!

    Hope you like them! :D



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