Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No Sleep Tonight

Ughhh... I'm so tired. I can't even imagine how Shaun feels. Amber had a seizure last night & our roommates ended up taking her to the ER so Shaun ended up taking care of our little niece Skylie most of the night. Luckily she's a really happy baby so she's pretty easy to watch, but I guess I ended up falling asleep so he was up by himself while everyone else was at the hospital & I was dead to the world on the couch. Poor guy :/

Amber got home okay, but she did have six more seizures while she was at the hospital & the Doctor said she probably shouldn't be left alone for the next two weeks. I agree to an extent, as I'm kind of worried about the effect this could have on Skylie if she has a seizure & we aren't around to help either of them. I think she just needs to take this time to relax & forget about Dillon & all the high school drama she's gotten herself involved in again, & just focus on her daughter & herself.

I guess it isn't really my business what she does anyway, but I do worry about Sky a lot & whether Amber believes it or not, I still care about her. I just want the best for her, & I think her actions lately are only pulling her further away from what she really needs. I just wish she'd listen to us all, & understand that we're trying to help, but she's a big girl & I guess that's something she has to do on her own.

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