Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Enough Time in the World

Lately I feel like there's so much that I'm capable of, but not enough time to do anything about it. I want to organize our bedroom so it's a much more liveable space & start planning our wedding, but it's almost impossible to focus on that when I have to worry about money & transportation & parenting classes & prenatal appointments... it's all just so overwhelming right now. I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable in my body now that the baby is growing at a faster rate & stretching my stomach out so much, I'm terrified of getting stretch marks & never having my pre-baby body back, & I'm trying not to focus on the far future too much but my mind isn't capable of shutting off these days, except for the times I need it to work the most.


 There's so much I want to be able to do, & so much that I need to do... I just wish that I could focus on one task at a time & that the opportunity to get it all done would open up so that I have more time for all of the important things, like spending time with Shaun & getting ready for Ivy. Maybe I'm overloading myself a bit too much. Maybe I need to take a few days to just breathe & get my head on straight, because Shaun really does have a tendancy of throwing my world off balance, so whenever he leaves I manage to get things done & once he's back I can't focus on anything but him. It's so frustrating. I love that boy too damn much.

Well, I suppose I should use today to start getting things done. I'm stretching myself out too much. Today I'm going to make some money, get things organized at home, & then relax with my baby & my roommates & try to forget all of this ridiculous drama with Amber. Hopefully I actually make some progress for once.

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