Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Living with a Blonde is a Living Hell

I have to admit, this crowded environment is making it really difficult to stay calm all the time. My roommate is obnoxious when our other roommates aren't around & then kisses ass when they are, our roommate's son is wild, obnoxious & disrespectful, & we're not even scraping by anymore. We don't even have a dollar to our name, & yet we still manage to pay rent & get from point A to point B without mooching off of everyone else like Amber does. She seems to have way too many luxuries for someone who doesn't pay rent & racks up enormous debts without any consideration for others & she completely disregards her responsibilities because finding a boyfriend is a bigger priority than taking care of her child.

I guess it just doesn't seem fair that she gets a huge amount of privacy while we are stuck sleeping in an open room & she doesn't care to respect our space at all, even though we're paying rent & she isn't. Doesn't that seem unfair? I just want to feel like we have our own space, especially because we're paying for it... I'm PREGNANT. I'm emotional, & I'm in a relationship. We need our privacy, regardless of how important walking around in her thong & hoarding the phone in her bedroom is to her. We NEED privacy.

I know it sounds awful, but when we get a place with Chantell & Nacho in January, I REALLY hope she won't be moving with us. One; she shouldn't move somewhere that she can't/won't be paying rent, & Two; she is the most disrespectful roommate I have ever had, & that's putting it nicely. This is why I hate blondes.

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