Sunday, September 16, 2012

Give Me Wellies & I'm a Happy Girl

One of my favorite memories from my childhood in England is of my Dad buying me wellies & immediately after, splashing through the muddy puddles in the street together & getting drenched. My love for wellies has never died, although I haven't owned a pair since. Living in the desert, there isn't much need for rain attire, but that won't stop me from investing in another pair as soon as my wallet will allow me. Preferably, sometime before we get our engagement photos done.

It might sound cheesy, but I've always imagined sporting a pair of wellies in my engagement photos. Especially considering it'll be getting a little chillier by the time the shoot comes around, it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary to wear some boots that slip on easily that would go nicely with knee high socks & a woolen dress & sweater. I mean, we are having the photos taken in October... so the weather would be more than ideal & I love having any excuse to bundle up. Especially if it means rocking a scarf & tights in front of a camera. And if you know me at ALL, you should know by now that the majority of my photos are taken in the fall anyway.

Honestly, I'm really excited. My baby belly will be poking out a little more next month & it'll be MORE than obvious that I'm expecting. Instead of concealing my pregnancy, I'd rather flaunt it. If anyone has anything against it, they'll have to put a sock in it because our engagement/maternity photos will be included with the wedding invitations and plastered all over Sweet Little Tragedy & Facebook. Haters may hate, but they can't affect what makes me happy. I love being pregnant & nothing makes me happier than the thought of being a Mother AND marrying my best friend. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, & I pity the fool who says differently.

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