Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Orange Crush

I think I've found my new girl crush... Aleksandra Wydrych. She is probably the most incredibly appealing creature I have ever laid eyes on, even if it's only online. Her bright orange hair & piercing eyes just capture me & I can't pull my own eyes away for long enough to focus on writing this post, let alone do anything else around the house. Physically, she is everything I want to be & everything I'd want in another woman.

According to my research, she's a Polish model & photographer. She's absolutely incredible, & her talent is just indescribable. I honestly hope I can contribute to the artistic world like she has. She's so REAL. It's no wonder so many people aspire to be her. As much as I would LOVE to be her, I know that I'll only ever be incredible if I'm proud to be in my own skin the way she is. As much of a tragedy that is, I know that I have just as much potential if I would only allow myself to be me - in the fullest, weirdest sense of the word.

And yes, I would LOVE to dye my hair bright Orange, but I want to be unique. It's just a damn shame that everyone else seems to get to the good stuff before I do. I mean, how many people would honestly dare to dye their hair ORANGE?!!! It's just not fair. But I will find some way of expressing myself in my own way, regardless of how hard it is to find something all of my own.

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