Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Too Soon

I've never felt so much hatred in my life as I do tonight. All I've tried to do is ensure that Ivy is not only safe & happy, but that she has the family that she deserves. In the end, nobody wanted her. Nobody really loved her, because nobody really believed that she could be a part of their family. And they're right. She can't be a part of their family, because they don't deserve her. I don't regret loving her Father, but I wish I had never gone to Wyoming. I wish I had never given him another chance, because he continued to walk out & burn up chances he didn't deserve. I will never allow myself to feel for him again. Ivy is not his daughter, because he is no Father. He never will be as far as I'm concerned. If I never see his face again, it'll be too soon. Me & Ivy have a bright future ahead of us with people that love us & I will never allow Shaun to interfere with our happiness again.

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