Sunday, February 17, 2013

News Flash

Just to be clear, I don't keep a blog so that you can keep tabs on me. I write because its something I'm passionate about. I have no intention of associating myself with anyone who has lied to me, cheated on me, betrayed my trust, walked out on me, stolen from me & those I love, & I definitely have no interest in associating with those who are justifying it & turning the situation around on me. I waited for him, I believed in him, I TRUSTED HIM. He let me down. So news flash for you all, if you're going to continue to keep tabs on me, you may want to accept the reality of this situation. You were all stolen from, lied to, betrayed, & deeply hurt by your own flesh & blood. I'm not being selfish when I choose to distance myself from somebody like that. I'm doing what you all advised me to do from the beginning & sticking to my guns. That's the way its always going to be.

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