Sunday, February 17, 2013

Eight Weeks

I can't believe Ivy turned eight weeks old yesterday! Time is going by so fast... I spend every minute of every day with her, it still feels like I never have enough time. I do love watching her personality grow though. She's such a happy baby! She's always smiling at me & she tries so hard to mimic me when I talk. Her little sounds are just adorable! She's so smart, it blows my mind. She's been able to roll over for weeks now, she's already learning how to mimic expressions & sounds, & she's practically holding her bottle by herself. I never imagined that something so small could do so much.

I love how attentive she is when I talk to her. Her eyes are focused on me the entire time, & when I read to her, she's always so content to sit & listen. She picks up on things so quickly, its almost scary! I'm definitely watching my language around her, because once she starts talking, I'm in trouble. I am honestly so lucky to have such an incredibly bright, happy baby girl. I can't imagine life without her.

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