Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feel Good

So I don't usually post pictures of myself, but I have to take a minute to talk about my body since baby. Honestly, I didn't think I'd feel any better about my appearance once I had Ivy. I thought I would be one of those girls that never loses that last bit of baby weight. I thought I'd still be living in baggy shirts to hide my figure, but after just four short weeks I was already back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. After six weeks, I was ten pounds lighter, & now I'm fifteen pounds lighter & I look & feel better than I ever have!

I have more energy than I ever remember having before I got pregnant, I rarely drink anything carbonated or with caffeine, & when I do its usually just coffee. I'm eating a healthy diet, I'm exercising every day, & I'm finally sleeping through the night (as is Ivy!). I'm actually happy again, but being a Mum made me happier than I ever dreamed possible.

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