Thursday, February 21, 2013

She Comes FIRST.

Ivy has always been such a happy baby, but ever since Sunday she has been randomly crying for hours on end no matter what anyone does to try & comfort her. You can change her, feed her, burp her, sing to her, rock her or play with her & regardless of what you do, she will cry until she had no energy left & falls asleep.

I've never felt so helpless in my life! She will go through the day content as ever, then its like a switch goes off in her head & she starts crying again. I'm hoping that Dr. Boud can either find out if something is wrong today or give me some suggestions that might help calm her down. I've never felt so overwhelmed in my life, & I've never felt as horrible as I do when I have to let her cry until she falls asleep because nothing else works... & then night comes & she is out until about seven or eight in the morning.

The crying fits don't usually start until the afternoon, when my Mum wants help with cleaning, cooking, etc. I wish I could help her understand that I don't want to leave Ivy to cry. I will help her tidy the house while I'm holding her if I have to, but I'm not okay with leaving my baby alone to cry all the time. I'm not going to be one of those Mum's... Ivy is my FIRST priority, & everyone needs to understand that. Yes, I have other responsibilities but none of them come before my daughter & her well being. Whoever says otherwise has their head up their ass.

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