Friday, February 22, 2013

Taking a Stand

"What defines us is how well we rise after falling."

I have no intention of breaking down, blowing up, or acting on my emotions irrationally ever again. I know I can't guarantee that I won't slip up, but from now on I'm going to work my ass off to be a mother Ivy can be proud of. I'll never be able to please everyone, because there will always be different opinions on what is best for my daughter... But I'm going to take those opinions into account & then act on what I truly believe is best.

I'm tired of letting painful memories determine how I feel now. My past is my past, & I intend to leave it where it belongs & move forward. I know that one in a while, something will come back to haunt me & try to change my life in a negative aspect, but I am strong & I will NOT let Ivy down. I'm going to look in the mirror without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I am doing the right thing by her. Not by me, or by anyone else.

I can't change what happened in the hospital, & I can't change how I reacted to it. Honestly, all is forgiven. I can't forget, but I can't hold onto that pain & that anger forever. I promised myself that I would never raise Ivy with any hatred towards her Father & his family, & I intend to stand by that. Sometimes I wish things could have been different. For Ivy's sake. But again, I can't change the past & if I was given the chance, I wouldn't. If I did, I wouldn't have learned anything. At least now, I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going in life & where I stand as a Mother & nobody can change that.

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