Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Letter to my Rosie

Ivy Rose Bills,

I wish you understood how much I really do love you... How much you have changed me in ways I never thought possible, & how much happiness you have brought me in what could have been my darkest days. You truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I want so much for you. I want you to have a memorable childhood, a good education, a bright future. I want you to grow up in a positive environment & feel happy & confident in who you are. I wanted you to have a family, & although I couldn't give you that, it doesn't mean that I'm not going to do everything I can to be the Mother you deserve. Just because your Mummy & Daddy aren't together, it doesn't mean either of us love you any less. Your Daddy does love you very much, & I hope that you will never doubt that.

When you were in my tummy, all we could talk about was the kind of future we wanted to give you. The places we wanted to take you & the things we wanted to do with you... we wanted nothing but the best for our baby girl, & that still stands. You deserve to have an incredible life, & I will do everything I can to give that to you.

You need to understand, I'm not perfect & I don't want you to be under the impression that I am, or that I am always right... Because I'm not. I've made mistakes, & will probably make many more as you grow up, but please know that I will always try to do the right thing by you. I might not always know what that is, but I will continue to try regardless until I do get it right.

I'll never stop fighting for your happiness or your safety & well being. I'll never stop believing in you, & I will always be there to help you up when you fall or comfort you when you're hurting. I will never stop loving you either. Real love doesn't have an expiration date, & although I learned that the hard way, I promise to try to be a good example of that. I hope that you will always have faith in tomorrow. That if something means enough to you, you'll never give it up. I hope that even if you do get hurt, that you won't be afraid to come to me for help or comfort. I hope that you will be wise in your friendships & your relationships, & that you will never forget your true worth. You are priceless, & deserve to be treated as such.

Baby girl, you've got such a bright future ahead of you. You've got so many people who love you & will always be there for you. You'll never be alone, & even when you do fall, I'll never give up on you. I will be there to lift you up & encourage you to try again.

Never ever give up Ivy. No matter how many times you fall, or how many times you get hurt, don't give up on yourself. Fight for what you want, & if you love something enough, don't be afraid to go after it. I'll always be here when you need somebody... Believe me when I say that I'm not going anywhere. You are my life now, & I wouldn't have it any other way.

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