Wednesday, February 20, 2013


It seems like every day, I get a little happier & life gets a whole lot better. I think it's because I'm learning to ignore all of the outside bullshit that's been nagging at me for so long & I'm not trying to please anyone anymore or live up to anyone elses expectations but my own. I've set my own standards, & I'm standing by them. I determine the quality of my life & I have every right to be happy, regardless of the situations I'm forced to deal with. There are things I can't change, & I am finally learning to accept that.

I can't change people & I don't want to try to. I can't change the time it'll take to become independent, but I can make the most of that time & learn to drive, get my GED, & spend every moment of every day with my baby girl. Not very many single parents are that lucky. I can't change my family or my friends, but I can accept their flaws, encouragw them in the areas they want to change & love them regardless of the mistakes they have made. I don't have to tolerate being mistreated or any behavior that could have a negative impact on me & Ivy, but that doesn't mean I can't still love them. Sometimes love means distancing yourself from the ones that matter most. Especially when there's a child involved.

I'm lucky enough to have some incredible friends, a loving, encouraging family, a roof over my head & a beautiful baby girl who never ceases to make me smile. She is my greatest blessing & because of her, my life is absolutely incredible.

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