Sunday, December 16, 2012

Goodbye Holidays... Hello Motherhood!

This is just ridiculous... I called the hospital today, only to be told that regardless of how uncomfortable I am, they will NOT induce me before 41 weeks. That's this coming Saturday, & for those of you who can't do math; that means I won't be getting out of the hospital until Christmas Eve at the earliest. There goes spending Christmas with my family.

If I'm not induced on the 22nd, I run the risk of going into labor over Christmas & if I'm all the way out in Eagle Mountain with my family, I'll be about an hour away from the hospital. Can you imagine my Parents having to drive me an hour away on Christmas Day, leaving my siblings on their own? That'd be unfair to them, & it'd be absolutely miserable for me. I'll have a hard enough time enjoying the Holidays if I'm barely out of the hospital. I have absolutely NO intention of spending my Christmas Holiday IN the hospital! I'm miserable enough as it is....

If anyone has any suggestions, please share them with me. I'm desperate. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, & I owe it to my siblings to be there for them this year. I realize I have my priorities as a Mum, but my family's happiness is still one of my biggest concerns & my sisters & my brother deserve to have a big sister they can count on. If any of you have ANY suggestions to help speed things up, I'd appreciate it. You can comment below. Thank you!


  1. My suggestion is..
    that your priority as A MOTHER outweighs ANY other priority. If you didn't want a Christmas baby, you shouldn't have had sex in March..You owe it to IVY to let her come on her own terms, at her own time, when she's READY.
    Who cares if you're in the hospital on Christmas, or New Years, or Thanksgiving.. Care about the fact you just had a beautiful healthy baby who came in her own time.. care about the fact you're a mother and be Happy about that. I DOUBT your siblings will hold it against You for not being there while you delivered your BABY..

  2. Let me make myself clear here.. I'm only speaking as someone who cares about you VERY much..
    I just think you need to think about whats best for your baby here, more than you care about how miserable you are at the moment, or your siblings. I know it's hard, believe me I have been through this exact same thing, more than once. Toward the end you are so so ready for baby to come and you want her out so much. I know the not sleeping, the changed body figure.. all of it. But just try to be happy about it. Happy you've got to experience pregnancy and how life changing it is. Happy you're going to be a mother, and how life changing that is.
    Then take that happiness and channel it toward being patient. for Ivy Rose.


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