Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Finally! Something is actually looking up! I never have to go to that awful clinic in Salt Lake again, I don't have to deliver at the University in order to have an induction, & if all goes well, I should be able to have my Mum at Ivy's birth since I will be delivering a lot closer to home. I can't even begin to tell you how happy this all makes me!

It's a little bit difficult to try and explain why my pregnancy has been so complicated when it came to seeing a Doctor & getting my prenatal care, but it mostly had to do with my legal status and lack of insurance. This country is definitely not kind to immigrants. ESPECIALLY when it comes to healthcare. Fortunately  Shaun convinced me to go into labor and delivery over at Alta View to get looked at & to make sure Ivy was okay (which of course, she still is!), & the nurse found me a Doctor at the hospital that will see me without insurance! Not only that, but they said if I'd like to have Ivy there & get induced once I am 41 weeks, it won't be a problem whatsoever. I can't honestly begin to tell you how much of a relief this is for all of us. After months of lousy service from that nasty clinic, I can finally see somebody who not only takes their job seriously, but takes me and my pregnancy seriously, & that's what counts.

So for all of you who were asking where I would be delivering; I am THRILLED to announce that I will no longer be having Ivy at the University, but in fact Alta View! I will keep you all updated, but hopefully it won't be TOO much longer before Ivy is born. Saturday at the latest!

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