Friday, December 14, 2012

Give Me Something to Believe

Its official. I couldn't possibly be more miserable than I am right now. Last night was awful, this morning went by far too slow, & I'm absolutely dreading this afternoon. I'm dreading facing Shaun after everything that was said last night... I'm afraid that it'll result in another fight or that we're just going to come home in an awkward silence & it'll last until I go into labor. This stress is killing me. This misery is killing me. I want to be happy again dammit, & I'm just becoming more & more miserable the more we fall apart. Sometimes I wish I didn't love him so much, because it'd be easier to turn him away... But I don't want to give up on us just yet. I want to believe that we can be happy together, & that we can make things work. Maybe I just have too much faith. Maybe it's time to stop believing, because I've run out of reasons to believe in anything anymore.

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