Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I can't believe how quickly our little Ivy's due date is creeping up on us... Can you believe it's THIS Saturday?! Maybe this is a little TMI for you all, but for you Mum's out there reading this - I'm sure you've heard MUCH worse. This Friday is (hopefully) my last prenatal at that God awful clinic in South Salt Lake & if I'm dilated enough, the midwife said that she would strip my membranes to see if it would speed things up a bit. Yes, I realize that it's a bit of an awkward process but considering the fact I'm having a baby, I've come to terms with the fact I'm going to be stripped of my dignity (and my membranes) in more ways than one.

Unfortunately I haven't had any consistent contractions whatsoever, or even a slight pattern to them. It's been incredibly disappointing. I realize that as this is my first it's bound to be a highly unpredictable pregnancy, but still. Some consistency wouldn't hurt! Well, it would but at this point in time - pain equals progress! That's all that matters to me anymore. I'm tired of sitting around, waiting for something to happen. I NEED RESULTS DAMMIT!!! But at least I can look forward to a meeting with my mentor this Friday before my lousy prenatal visit. I do love my Nicole :) she always spoils me with Starbucks. Now THAT is a good friend right there! Not to mention I have Christmas gifts from HOH* to look forward to. Mostly because I may not make it to the Girls night next week before I go into labor, but I guess we'll see!

Thankfully me, Shaun & Grandma got to get out & spend some time together tonight as well. I think we all desperately needed it, & it was fun cape hunting for my little brother who has a newfound obsession with Superman. We actually managed to find him the cutest little outfits that I know he'll just love. I will post pictures when he gets the chance to try them on - if you can wait until the 25th that is! I really do love both my families... Grandma, Tami, Tristan, Shaun & Jax, & then of course, my siblings & my parents. I couldn't ask for more incredible people in my life, & having HOH behind me as well? I am so SO blessed. I really am one of the luckiest girls in the world. Times might be rough right now, but I know that with hard work, dedication & perseverance, we'll make it through. I honestly believe that with all my heart.

*For those of you who don't know what HOH is - although I've explained many times before! It is a organization that is dedicated to helping polygamists transition out of polygamy and/or maintain some sort of self reliance & stability in their lives as well as learn to function in today's society. No I am NOT a polygamist. I am a plig kid. There is a difference. I do not condone the polygamist lifestyle but I won't tolerate any negative comments either so if you have anything to say... Don't. I love my family regardless of their beliefs & I will NOT tolerate any negativity towards them on my blog or elsewhere. Thank you :)

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