Monday, March 19, 2012

You Made it Worth it

Even though the sun still hasn't risen yet, the world has never looked brighter... or more beautiful. Yeah, I might sound a little corny but I haven't been this happy in a long, long time. I've been dwelling on the past for too long, & now that I've finally let go I feel free to do whatever my heart desires, be who I want to be, & share it all with whoever I choose to give my heart to. I'm sure anyone who knows me already knows that my blue eyed devil has had my heart from the minute he walked into my life, & nobody is more deserving, or takes better care of it than him.

I've never been so content with my life before. I used to worry about so much & enjoy so little. Now, even though I probably don't worry enough, I get a thrill from living in the moment with the people I love & at the same time, looking to a brighter future that we will create together. Moving to California, doing what we love with the people we love. Nothing but the sea & sand & a whole world of opportunity.

Who better to live life with than family? And I'm referring to my true family. The ones that are really there for me through anything & everything. Not my blood family, although my sister is beginning to prove herself. I hope one day she'll be strong enough to leave so I can help her move forward with her life as well. I don't want her to live in fear all her life & be held back from pursuing her dreams. She's young & free spirited. She should be able to live life to the fullest.

I can't wait to get away from here. I'm grateful for the experiences I've had, some of the people I've met, & especially the family I've become a part of & the crazy blue eyed devil I've fallen in love with... they've made all the heartache & the bad memories worth it. Utah has never been my home, but if I had never lived here, I never would have met my baby & I would be missing out on the best things in life. The most beautiful moments I've had have been with him, & I hope there will be many more to come. All I know is that he makes me deliriously happy, & he is without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me. He's my inspiration, my lover, & my best friend. He really is my blue eyed devil.

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