Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm Where I Need to Be

I'm so unbelievably content with my life. Not only do I have an incredible family that has my back no matter what, but I'm in love with my best friend & he loves me. I couldn't ask for more. I have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, & although I could complain about my lack of nicotine, why bother? I'm not going to let the amount of cancer sticks I go through in a day define the way I feel. I'm so incandescently happy... I haven't felt this way in such a long time, if ever. I might have been lost there for a while, but my baby boy helped me find my way back. Now I'm on the right track, & it feels fucking great.

Now that I know what it takes to get my life in order, I'm moving forward. Nothing can hold me back from achieving my goals & making something of myself. I want to do something with my life, but for now I'm still young. I still want to live, & experience all that I can. I want to dream as if I'll live forever & live as if today was my last day. I don't care if it means coming home at five in the morning or running out of gas in the middle of nowhere & walking ten miles to a gas station, as long as every single day is an adventure... & I know that if I spend it with Shaun, it really will be.

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