Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!

I have to admit, I've never really looked forward to my birthday before, let alone someone else's. Quite honestly, I'm really excited for Shaun, because I know this day means a great deal to him. On the ninth he'll have his son, & I know that means more to him than any birthday cake or any amount of money or gifts he could possibly receive. 

I'm so glad that Jax has such a loving Father. Shaun's fought so hard for him, & I know he won't stop fighting to make sure his son is safe & happy & in his arms again where he belongs. Jax deserves nothing but the best, & Shaun is the greatest example of what a real Father should be. He'd give Jax the world, & I have nothing but respect for him as a parent. I wish my family could see how Shaun treats his baby boy, & maybe they could learn a thing or two. I wish my baby brother  was lucky enough to have parents as dedicated as Shaun. But I'm so so lucky to have Shaun in my life, & Jax is lucky to have such an incredible Daddy watching over him. I hope that if I ever have children someday, that the Father is as dedicated & as loving as Shaun.

I can't imagine Shaun being any happier than having his baby in his arms on his birthday. I hope that everything goes well & that he has an incredible day. After everything he's been through, I just want him to have one day where he can be honestly, truly happy. I can't imagine anyone making him happier. I love him more than I can ever say, & I will do anything to help ensure that Jax stays where he belongs. That's what family is for.

I hope that you have a perfect day baby, & I can't wait to see the smile that Jax will leave on your face. I know it's a little soon, but Happy Birthday :)

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