Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Always Been You

I'm scared baby... I'm afraid of losing you. I know that isn't what you want but you might not have any other choice, & it's killing me. I don't want to watch you fade away anymore. You're the only one that's ever filled the emptiness inside of me... the only one that ever will.  If I lose you, I'll be missing the most important part of me. You're the glue that's held me together for so long. My every thought & emotion is somehow wrapped around you, & I'm terrified to know what I'll become if you're gone. 

I'm praying there's another way. I know I don't believe in God, but I'm here screaming at the sky, hoping that it will make some small difference. How could everything go so wrong when everything was so perfect? We had two weeks together where we were both happy, & we were working towards a better future together, & then... everything went downhill. The way it always seems to when something's perfect. I should have remembered that nothing can remain perfect, because there is no beauty in perfection. We thrive on chaos & destruction... we always have. But why does it hurt so much this time around?

I think we're finally coming to the realization that nobody really cares whether we're happy or not, or even if we're together or not. They only really give a shit about winning. They want to succeed, & they'll do whatever it takes, & hurt whoever is in their way to ensure they get exactly what they want. In this case, if everything goes the way I'm praying it doesn't today... Syd would have won. Yeah, you'll have your baby boy but... will you be happy? Will Jax be happy growing up seeing his parents put on fake smiles around each other & pretending that they're perfectly happy together? Maybe I'm just overthinking everything, but if I know you... you're a brilliant actor. You can pretend everything's okay & nobody would suspect otherwise. You could go for years if you had to, but that doesn't mean you should have to.

You deserve to be happy. I know having Jax in your life is what you want more than anything, & if letting Sydney win is what it takes to get him back, I want you to do what you think is right. Maybe I'm being selfish right now... but I'm scared of hurting anymore. I can't numb myself like I used to, & every time I've lost you, it hurts a little more. If I lose you one more time it'll tear me apart. My reason for smiling, the reason I left such a bad lifestyle behind... the only reason I've been really truly happy, & the reason I now know what love is... will be gone. What's left after that? I might as well be hollow.

It's always been you... since the first day I met you, something changed in me. I don't want to watch it disappear like everything else that has ever mattered to me, & nothing has ever mattered to me as much as you. You made me better. Maybe not the best, but the best parts of me happened when you came along. Maybe that's wrong. I don't really care anymore. I want you to be happy more than anything, but at the same time I want to be selfish... loving you, it's hard to be. I have to put what you want & what you need first. Nothing else matters to me. Even if it means breaking down in the shower everyday or crying myself to sleep every night, as long as you have what you want & what you need, it'll be worth it. You've always been worth it... & always will.

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