Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Um.... No

I wish people could understand what it means to be a parent... Pregnancy already destroys your social life, but those friends who dropped you once you became pregnant seem to think that once you've had the baby, that you are just going to jump back into partying with them like your child no longer exists. Um.... WRONG! I don't party. Call me boring, but I have more fun cuddling up with my baby girl than I would with my head in the toilet dry heaving. That's not my thing, & as far as I'm concerned, it never will be. I sincerely believe in setting an example for my daughter, whether or not she'll remember what I do while she's little. She is my first priority, second & third, & I want to raise her knowing that I did everything in my power to be a good Mother & role model. I have every intention of making her proud.

Maybe it's cool to be an alcoholic parent. Maybe it's cool to dump your kid with a baby sitter every weekend so you can get fucked up, but that's not cool to me. The only people who have any involvement in my life are the ones who understand that Ivy comes first & respect it. I don't have room for anyone who thinks otherwise.

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