Monday, April 29, 2013


"Life is like photography. We develop from the negatives."

For the first time in my life, I am genuinely enjoying the freedom to make my own decisions. I depended on everyone else to tell me which direction I was supposed to take my life in for so long, & now I FINALLY have the guts to take a stand & move in the direction that I truly believe is best for me & my daughter. We're moving, & we're going to start our new lives somewhere that is filled with opportunities for the both of us. Somewhere she can grow up safe, healthy & happy. Utah has never been my home, & I never had any intention of making it Ivy's. I can't let how others feel about us moving stop me, because Ivy's future is my top priority. I need to be somewhere that I can reach my full potential, financially, intellectually, emotionally, physically, & spiritually.

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