Sunday, May 5, 2013

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Do you ever get so distracted by the chaos of everyday life that you forget to stop & smell the roses? I've never really realized how important it is until now... how vital it is to our overall well being. I get so caught up in school, diaper changes, bus schedules, food shopping & dirty laundry that I forget that I need to take care of myself too. Even if it is five minutes spent sitting in the sunshine, or a journal entry before I climb into bed. Those small moments do so much more for me than I realized, & even though I have my responsibilities, I'll get through the day with a much better attitude if I take a little time to appreciate myself & the things that make me happy.

It does get pretty hard sometimes... there will always be disagreements & slip ups, & things won't go my way 24/7, but that's the beauty of it all! If things didn't go wrong, we couldn't appreciate them when they go the way we hoped! If I hadn't gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have my sweet little Princess to cuddle with every night. If I hadn't left home at sixteen, I wouldn't know what I know now, & I wouldn't have met all the crazy, wonderful people in my life. I can definitely appreciate my struggles, because they made me strong. Those experiences made me appreciate things that I probably would have scofffed at three years ago. I have no regrets, because I am proud of the person I am today. I wouldn't change what I've been through for the world, even if it means appreciating those who have burned me & the people I love. Even if it means acknowledging that I wasn't somebody to be proud of once upon a time... I am now.

I WILL be an example to Ivy. I WILL be an honest, faithful & loving girlfriend, & I WILL have respect for myself & those around me. I'm not going to let anyone or anything hold me back from being the woman I know I am deep down. She might have been wandering for a while, but not all who wander are lost, & I'm on a one way track to success & happiness.

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