Sunday, May 26, 2013

Committed to the Game

Some people will cut out junk food, maybe lose an inch or two, but continue to wonder why they still don't have perfectly flat tummies & a perky ass. Some people will spend hours at the gym every day & pig out on junk food, & they might have some muscle... but the fat is still there underneath. It takes a healthy diet & regular exercise to maintain a good weight & a good looking body, which is why I'm not cheating. I'm 100% committed to shedding the extra pounds & toning up. From this moment on, I'm a "no excuses" type of woman. If I want this badly enough, I won't let anything or anyone hold me back or tell me that I can't do it, because I can & I WILL.

Of course, there will always be haters that will point out my flaws. Somebody will point out my stretch marks or my huge hips, but I'm proud of the way that I am built & I am especially proud of the marks that show the world that I'm a Mother. I'm not out to impress anybody, because if somebody really loved me, they would take me as I am. I'm on a mission to prove to myself, my daughter, my friends & my family that I, Leah Taylor am one tough bitch. I don't need a man to be successful or happy, & I definitely don't need one to hold me back. I'm independent, I'm strong, I'm happy, & I WILL be fit, I WILL be healthy, I WILL be successful, & I WILL show the world what I'm made of. I'm committed to the game, & I'm 100% committed to bettering myself. NO EXCUSES!

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