Thursday, May 9, 2013


As uninteresting as it might sound, I'm going to start reviewing the products that I buy & use on a regular basis. I figure that as much as I read reviews before investing in something helps me, maybe it'll help you make a decision before you waste your dough on something you've never tried before as well. For example; I just ordered an Android smartphone from StraightTalk. I was trying to decide between three different phones, & the reviews on the one I chose were exceptional. BUT... you never really know until you try the product yourself. So, I will be reviewing the Huawei Ascend II for StraightTalk after a week of using it, & then will review it again after a month once I've gotten the hang of it & experienced any flaws on a regular basis. Hopefully then any of you who have been considering buying the phone will feel more comfortable with making a decision about investing in it.

I will also review other electronics, makeup, hair products, facial washes, & Ivy's more expensive baby toys for all you Mum's out there looking for something to entertain your little one. If you'd like me to review a product for you, or maybe review your business, you can contact me at & I will try to shed some light on things.

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