Friday, May 3, 2013

The First Day of Your Life

The first day of your life was the beginning of mine. Before you came along, I didn't have a purpose. I had nothing to live for, & even though I thought I knew what I wanted, I really had no idea. I had no self respect, & very little respect for others. I was selfish & bitter... until the day you were born. Granted, I get lonely sometimes. The first few weeks of your life were lonely & painful, & sometimes I wondered how I made it through each day without somebody by my side, but then I'd look at you & I'd know... it was worth the struggle. You were so beautiful & innocent. My perfect little angel. 

I can't begin to describe my love for you. It's unconditional. It's never ending. I love you with every fiber of my being... every beat of my heart, & every piece of my broken soul. You are the glue that keeps me together, & the strength that keeps me fighting. For you, I will get a good education. I will get a job, & I will work towards a real career. I will provide you with a safe & stable home that you can grow up in, & I will strive every day to be the Mother that you deserve. You're worth the struggle.

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