Sunday, May 26, 2013

I've Got This!

I'm not as disciplined as you might think... I love food. Food is my vice. I'll eat my feelings, I'll eat out of boredom... I'll eat for the sake of eating, & it's a horrible habit that I have had to break over the past couple weeks, so to prevent insanity, I allow myself one cheat meal a week... as long as I still eat the right portion sizes & on the condition that I burn off whatever I take into my body, which means I have one Hell of a run ahead of me tonight! It'll be a great burn though, & it'll wake me up so I can focus on getting my homework done. I've been procrastinating WAY too much, & with it being due on the 29th, I absolutely have to finish it. There are no more excuses!

Life as a single Mum is hard. Especially when you're trying to stay fit, eat right, get through school, & take care of a little person all at the same time. Want to know my secret? I remind myself that nothing worth having comes easy. I repeat it to myself under my breath as I run, or while I struggle to keep up with my exercise video. I have to tell myself that when Ivy is fussing & I'm trying to focus on my homework. It's rough sometimes, but there will always be somebody busier than me making the time to get things done, so why can't I? I'm up before seven every single day, & my daughter is in bed before nine at night. I'm pretty damn positive that I can make time to exercise. I'm sure I could get through college if I really wanted to. I can't let time pass me by without accomplishing SOMETHING.

I've set my goals, & I WILL accomplish them. No matter how much I sweat, bleed, or cry. If I'm not dead, I have no reason to give up. I've got this shit!

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