Friday, August 3, 2012

Suicide Girls

Once again, do not read if you find girl on girl contact offensive in anyway & do not wish to see any nudity. This is my personal blog & I do post things that many people will find offensive, but it is their choice to read further.

I've been dying to do another pin up shoot for a while, & for all of you who didn't know - I had applied to be a suicide girl not long before I found out I was pregnant. Obviously with my growing belly I couldn't get more involved with it, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to after Ivy is born.

I've always loved the non traditional pin up style that suicide girls represents & I've always wanted to try something like it. Nothing else ever really suited my style... I needed something that not only accepts piercings & tattoo's, but embraces them. Once our baby is born it's something I would really like to do for myself. Not to mention Shaun couldn't complain ;)

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