Friday, August 24, 2012

Hand Me Down

Sometimes hand me downs aren't all that bad. I mean, sometimes there's the really awful stuff that people just don't want to be caught dead in, so they give it to you in the hope that they never have to see that hideous item in their closet again... but then there are those adorable things that they can't make use of & find it incredibly hard to part with, but eventually give it to you knowing it will serve out it's purpose elsewhere. Luckily, I landed some really cute stuff from my roommate, who has the most adorable six month old daughter. She's been a good friend of mine since I was a kid & has been giving me all of the tiny little outfits that no longer fit her chunky little monster.

I can't complain. I can't eally afford to splurge on baby items right now, & it gives me something to gush over in the meantime. Not to mention, Shaun isn't here to complain about the abundance of pink & lack of green & purple, so I can ooh & ahh to my hearts content.


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