Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Lucky Ones

Sometimes I let my emotions get the better of me too often. I'll forget about all the good things & just concentrate on everything in my life that has gone or is going wrong. I let it tear me down until I can't contain my tears anymore & then at that point I refuse to even look for the bright side in anything... but sometimes there are those days, like today, when all I can see is the best part of everything. Not only that, but I'm overwhelmed with gratitude towards everyone that has made my life the way it is today.

Yes, I have made some choices that have out me in some situations that we are still struggling to get out of... but for the most part, our lives are incredible. We have some of the most faithful friends we could ever ask for that will go above & beyond to help us improve our way of living, we have a family that supports us & dusts us off when we fall down again, we have a roof over our head for the first time in months, & we have the opportunity to build something incredible together. We are SO privileged. We're going to be the parents of a beautiful baby girl, we're going to find work & find ourselves a cute little apartment best suited to our needs, & we are going to start working towards building a bright & shiny future together. Me, Shaun & Ivy Rose will have everything we need to succeed as long as we're determined & have faith in ourselves & the people supporting us.

I don't know what life would be like if I hadn't met Shaun, but I don't want to imagine it. All I know is that everything is so much better because he's a part of it. He's given me some of the best memories, he's given me our baby girl, & most importantly he gave me the hope that has kept me going for so long. I had quite literally given up before I met him. I could have cared less whether I lived or died, & the future was something that I didn't want to be a part of, let alone build to my advantage. I just wanted to be alone. To wreak havoc on everyone & everything & do my best to make it through the day without letting don my guard. Then I met Shaun, & he was so different. It was like he was everything I had been waiting for all my life... I just didn't know it before that point. He knew me, & I knew him. I couldn't hold it all back from him & I didn't want to. I wanted him to break down my walls, & he did.

I'll never regret a single moment with him. He's taught me so much, he's given me so much, & he's made me stronger than I ever could have imagined. He showed me how to be happy, & although I have my moments... I've learned more from him in ten months than I could have from anyone else in an entire lifetime. I love him with all my heart, & I'm so grateful for everything we've been through together. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him, because I can honestly say he is my soul mate. He's my best friend & the only real love I have ever known or ever will know. I am the luckiest girl in the world, & it's all because I bummed a cigarette from a stranger at the trax station.

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